TPS Family of Companies Partnership with the Chanje Movement

In January 2010, a devastating earthquake rocked Port au Prince, Haiti. This earthquake caused the deaths of more than 250,000, the permanent displacement of more than one million, and total social, economic and political disruption. Moved by compassion, hundreds of charitable organizations, churches and ministries redoubled their efforts and began new initiatives to help meet the physical and emotional needs of the people.

The TPS Family has partnered with the Chanje Movement to work along side the people of Haiti and help create sustainability through community development. Our company’s involvement with Haiti has demonstrated how individuals with compassion for others can partner together and make an enormous difference in the world.

We are in the process of purchasing a 2 acre piece of land where people in their communities can live, learn, and work. We plan to help build a shelter, a clinic, sport fields, and water wells. While in the process of purchasing the land, we are starting to visit the land regularly to establish relationships with the community.  Last week, we held our first clinic on the land and served over 200 people with medical supplies and proper healthcare.