Homeless Bags
Decton LI team members went to the El Monte branch to help put together bags for the homeless. Some even brought their children to help out, which was awesome! The Decton team collected several items. We were able to put together 100 bags to give out. The bags were separated, everyone took some with them to hand out as they saw fit. Bags were also given to the LAPD Newton station to be handed out to homeless of their community.
Moises shared a story about the first bag that he handed out. He was heading to the market to buy groceries to make his grand-kids breakfast when he came across a older gentleman walking his bike down the street. The man appeared to have his worldly possessions strapped to his bike. Moises pulled over and greeted the gentlemen as he walked buy, he asked him if he would like a bag that he made with some everyday stuff. The man opened the bag and stated pulling out the items that were inside. Moises said the look in his eyes as his face lit up was priceless. The man said thank you and Merry Christmas!